Archive for August, 2008

Merdeka wtf

I was busy stuffing myself with journals on Merdeka’s eve, so my eyes got kinda tired so I thought might as well get some supper while watch the fireworks on tv lah. Manatau watching the merdeka eve tv for 15 minutes can make me feel like bitching about my homeland like wtf. Well nothing wrong with the ground lah wtf I just hate the politicians I see on tv wtf.

First thing’s first, there’s just so many cameras on politicians and ministers I tell ya, it’s like they have a few cameras located in different areas of KL, one at dataran merdeka, one at KLCC and another at Bukit Bintang I think, and ALL of them have a couple of politicians there dei wtf. I mean, it’s our national day la what the toot u so busy body go hog the camera for wat, ur just a deputy u-know-who ur just a Malaysian like all of us what for u need more airtime huh? If u really wanted to celebrate u don’t have to appear on tv oso lah, but somehow miraculously the camera just has to look on them like at least 50% of the time dei even when the fireworks are going off zzz. Even countries like China who just had an Olympic didn’t spend so much of their air time on their chairman nia, ppl do Olympics oso not so lanci we have a tiny national day u all wanna hog the tv wtf Malaysia sipek tak boleh man.

Another issue that pissed me off just a little bit is the fact that they used our Olympic star AGAIN to appear at the dataran merdeka zzz. Well there’s also the angkasawan guy and some other national celebrities. If I remember correctly, this is called attribution, when people see celebrities and certain politicians together; they would associate the good values of the celebrity with the politicians. Much like how politicians like to kiss voter’s babies (not because politicians can bless them wtf), it’s because they wanna be attributed to innocent happy little babies, when sometimes they are the complete opposite wtf. At least they didn’t kiss our Olympic star wtf.

And one more funny thing I noticed just now was when the camera was taking a scene of the crowd gathered at the Dataran Merdeka, and the tv narrator was like talking about unity and multi-racial stuff. But all I can notice about the crowd is that 98% of them are the same race wtf. Oh why am I so full of hate u tell me wtf.

I had to put a pic lah if not will feel very incomplete wtf

Let’s hope tmr’s marching doesn’t make me feel like bitching somemore =D

The Hobbit Song

Thanks to Nisha for reminding me about this song lol x)

The Firm wtf

We were watching this Malaysian version of ‘the apprentice’ called “The Firm” and suet wanted to make her own team…

momma suet says:
team suet wtf

Yong Long says:
i bet u oni wan cute ass guys in ur team rite wtf
Yong Long says:
and ur job is supervisor wtf
Yong Long says:
momma suet says:
i supervise ass WTF

Yong Long says:
yea make sure they r firm wtf
Yong Long says:
the FIRM

wtf totally ruins the show, in return help them advertise a bit lah wtf, whoever wants to watch it online for free click on the link HERE x)

Reality Therapy

I just used reality therapy and a bit of music therapy on myself, and I think it worked =D

Yes Suet, I checked wikipedia, it is really forcing reality on a client in a sense wtf.

And I feel like I just grown up a little =)

Psy Poster #3

Inspired by transformers wtf. I know some might not agree with the colors used but need to make the diff subjects appear more differently ma. Some words i made it extra transparent on purpose. Criticize pwease =)

Buck up!

Got my latest exam results adi, and it sucked so bad I couldn’t believe it. Worse thing is that i put so much effort into the brain & behavior paper and the results came out like a half-half-boiled egg liddat isshh disgusting! I’m gonna make some changes already la, I won’t appear on msn unless it’s necessary and I will try to spend my time in between classes in the library la. I dun care i look like an uber dork lah i so fucking don’t care adi I won’t look back 1 day and regret that i didn’t try hard enough.

Likes and Dislikes

Holiday mood has finally settled down, no longer have the nagging feeling of assignments and exams on my shoulders, but then again still need to worry about making posters for the department, for the upcoming PsychOlympics posters, and oso for symposium exhibition, all these not including the assignments i’m about to get in another 12 hours or less T_T Since I still got some time to kill, I came up with a lame list of things I liked and disliked this semester, sorta summarizes the whole sem lah.

Start off with the things I like =)

  1. New touch & go card wtf
  2. Season parking! (I look so slick when I use the card wtf)
  3. Karaoke! a few years ago I would never have thought I’d like these kinda things
  4. My new car mp3 modulator.
  5. Singing like nobody’s business in the car after a long day’s work, even if I don’t know the lyrics =_=
  6. My new kancil steering wheel cover wtf
  7. Digging up old mp3 collections =D
  8. Driven all the way to PD
  9. My Rosita <3 <3 wtf
  10. oh steven oso lah wtf
  11. skinning crocodiles wtf
  12. Meeting up old friends
  13. Not being stuck in the same class with everybody’s best friend wtf
  14. Random events that happens in Uni
  15. Learned how to make cheese cake =D
  16. Learned how to use photoshop
  17. Finally understood comp specs after much denial =_=
  18. Finished an actual research
  19. The fact that I survived B&B classes
  20. study groups! =D
  21. have a slightly better fashion sense wtf
  22. Found out that i’m a thinker and a neurotic (yesh it’s a good thing wtf)
  23. Being stuck in a traffic jam while still able to listen to my favorite mp3s no thx to the emo radio T_T tears of joy wtf
  24. Made ppl exercise and using research as a justification >=D
  25. kicked cassie wtf
  26. beat sia in dota… again wtf
  27. got headshot-ed in CS by Zhe Choon and still laughed about it =_=
  28. Help pass love letters wtf
  29. Laughing at Pre-U noobs who thinks they are cool wearing lab coats in the cafeteria.
  30. New camera, no name yet but it’s a she lah wtf =)
  31. Random Outings

Things i disliked this sem:

  1. Need to wake up at 7
  2. A5S!GnM3NT5 OH MY @!#@!@&#*^ AS51Gnm3NT5SS !!!!111
  3. Looking for subjects for research =_=
  4. Reading Journals
  5. Changes after changes of formating in writing research reports
  6. Classroom dramas with a certain lecturer
  7. kancil having consistent mood swings wtf
  8. Emo sessions
  9. Paranoid about viruses getting into rosita T_T
  10. Wasting time being upset about the same things over and over again.
  11. Lied to myself
  12. Having classes or things to do at the department and having no signal thanks to @&*#%!@ DIGI the &@*^$*!@4 fat yellow a**hole did not follow me.
  13. Waiting for Starcraft 2 to come out *drools*
  14. omfg i’m a neurotic T_T (refer to the previous list number 22)
  15. emo phone! (y does everything around me emo wtf)
  16. late sms replies
  17. mm…… su..suu.. super.. mumm..mummmm..mummmmbling powers
  18. the fact that ms elaine won’t be teaching us anymore subjects T.T
  19. To be ignored, who doesn’t hate this =_=

Eh not bad ar can think of more likes than dislikes guess i’m not so neuro than i thought wtf. Second year second sem is gonna start 2mr, good bye holidays T_T u’ve been wonderful.

On a random note wtf, i think this might be the last decent care free holiday I’ll EVER have in my entire life loh seriously. Care free as in no worries about work, holiday assignments etc, i think the next sem holidays i’ll probably be busy preparing for my 3rd year thesis and all. After third year then graduate adi, after graduate no holidays adi loh must find work adi 0_o Can u feel the stress tonight? =D i know i can wtf. The battle for sanity continues wtf…

100th post!

Finally reached my 100th post!

I really want to thank the readers of this blog to have consistently visited my blog through out this many months, it’s ur blog stats that made me kept writing and it is ur priceless comments that made me come up with newer, hopefully better entries. Ur comments really make my day x) so if u’ve been reading my blog without commenting, please start commenting! i lurve comments wtf i think u can still remain anonymous rite if ur shy, like me wtf *blush* WTF WTF

Unfortunately i doubt i can keep up with the current pace of constantly updating this humble little site as my second semester in my second year is about to start! and i bet it’ll be tougher than ever with such a tough line up of subjects. So pardon me if u can sense the stress in my upcoming entries wtf.

I did noticed that some of the things i talk about in my blog i can never really talk to anyone about, coz some r just plain not conversation material and of coz nobody would entertain tat kind of conversations wtf, nobody wanna talk politics with me wtf coz almost all politic related posts got no comments wtf T_T

i guess blogging is a good thing since it allows me to properly organize my thoughts b4 posting it out coz due to my super human mumbling powers i have a hard time expressing myself in real life wtf. Unlike momma suets i have no nice pictures of me self to post wtf coz i either look neuro or depressed in my pics wtf.

Made in PD

Wonder when will be my 200th post hmm…


Since I haven’t received any phone calls about failing B&B I guess it’s safe for me to rant a bit about Brain & Behavior (B&B), which is 1 of the hardest subjects i’ve ever taken so far in my life (not very comforting wtf). So yeah, the hardest subject ever =_=

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Sunway Cultural Night 2008

The cultural night was supposedly the biggest event that is held in Sun-U in the entire year, and true enough the crowd was huge, its even more packed than during Ausmat exam times =_= I think i can never really enjoy watching a performance unless i’m part of it or that i contributed to the preparation of the performances, i rmb back in my secondary school days where i used to be in charge of the P.A system of the school performances with Doraemon (not an imaginary character wtf) and the sheer excitement of when to press the ‘play’ button or when to stop just makes the performance so much more exciting for me. I also remember running up and down the stage bringing the mics and mic stands up and down. For the cultural night i wasn’t part of the committee so didn’t really got into the mood for a performance dunno y =_= i just kept yawning and yawning b4 they started performing wtf.

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