Archive for March, 2010

Can Gaming make a better world?

The video is 20 minutes and it talks about how gaming can be a tool to change the world for the better, sounds like every gamer’s dream topic but overall its not completely baseless. I think most non-gamers would straight away reject whatever ideas that are proposed in this video but for me I do see some meaning in what she said especially the part about how gamers are so immersed in a game and how they achieve more in games compared to in real life… Watch the vid! it’s quite interesting ;)

Comments r very the welcomedz

Baby I do wtf

I’m going to work at 6 am tmr because I want to carpool with Gerard and save Rm11.50 parking and petrol money.

4 days like that and I’ll save enough money to pay back the saman yo wtf. Talk about being kiamsiap wtf.

So to my future wife, please see this post and appreciate how hard I’m saving up for our house wtf.


Graduation Night

I find it scary that I no longer need to go back to uni anymore, classes are done, exams are done, assignments are done, thesis is done, library membership gonna expire soon, can’t borrow anything from there. The only reason I would go back is just to visit lecturers or maybe the occasional symposiums or speeches.

Yesterday I attended my last graduation dinner, and I think the graduating batches really went all out to looking totally awesome for the night! :D I totally couldn’t recognize almost all of the batch 6 girls because they look so different! I only noticed it is them because Richard was standing over there wtf. And of course the ladies of my class who also looked totally awesome, actually I don’t think I need to say that because I think they know already wtf.

I dare you to look at the background only wtf

Why are we so cool wtf (Taken from Suwoan’s album)
I have videos of Dr Teoh singing, is it ethical for me to post it on youtube ? :p

After the event we went to Opera for a round of drinks, as I walked out from the ballroom to get my car, it suddenly dawned on me that;  this is it, the many faces that I have met throughout the past few years, I won’t be seeing them anymore anytime soon. To be honest I felt like I was caught off guard, it all happened so suddenly and I felt the sudden rush of thoughts telling me, the time has come for me to move on to the next chapter of my life. And for the rest of the night I was in a way, emotionally stunted. Nothing happening around me seems to feel the same anymore, I had a lot on my mind and being in a noisy and crowded club didn’t seem to help much, so I took some time to just walk around pyramid alone.

While I was walking and being in the midst of so many unfamiliar faces, I felt a strange sense of satisfaction, because I felt like this is the way life is telling me, ‘this is going to be the new chapter of your life’, for you will see many new faces and not all of them will be like the great people I have met so far in my life. There will be people from all kinds of backgrounds, all kinds of intentions, all with different goals in life; they are not university students studying psychology anymore. In a way,  I realized that I must prepare myself to really get out of my comfort zone be really independent and assertive,  my life will no longer be shaped by a course outline, and I will have to make many important decisions that will ultimately create a place for me in this world. So yeah… this is me, being a thinker like always. I’m not sure whether what I’m saying makes sense to most people, because I think I have a very weird wavelength when it comes to thinking.

Anyway, see some of u all during our convocation! :))

40 bucks short

So today I went to the MPSJ office in USJ 5 to pay my saman, I felt like such a goody goody because a lot of ppl have been telling me no need to pay the fine because MPSJ is not police and they don’t care wtf. But too bad i’m a momma’s boy and mommy ask me to pay for it with my own money wtf, oh yeah she bought 4D number with the license plate number, just to show her support wtf. I guess today was kinda like my lucky day, no I didn’t get laid (dammnit!) but I did manage to get a ‘discount’ for my fine, a 50% discount yo, so I paid like 40 bucks for HELPING THE EDUCATION MINISTRY TO DO A STUPID SURVEY [insert swear words about other people’s moms]. Oh lucky me.

So now I’m in hibernation mode, I will remain a stingy shit until I save back another 40 bucks wtf. Next week is going to be a busy week! I’m volunteering for an event by MalaysianCare, this time as a photographer! It’s going to be a conference so doubt there will be much pictures to take, probably a lot of close up pictures of the tarts and pastries that they will serve wtf. Good time for me to practice portrait shots since everybody’s gonna be busy listening to the speaker so I’ll just pretend to do my job and snap away weeee. And I haven’t even started to fill in the many many forms for the work and travel US program, I got the job as a ride host which is like operating the roller coasters, will talk about it more when I get there, can’t wait!

Best vigilante series evaaaa

While in hibernation, I’ve been watching a lot of dramas! Got THIS link from Nisha, so far I’ve watched like 9 episodes of Dexter (pictured above) and haven’t encountered any problems yet. I’m hoping I can get out to take pics soon but with the Psychology Dinner tmr and small errands here and there I can’t get into the mood of taking photos just yet. In the mean time, I shall entertain myself with more dramas and read a BOOK, yes you read that correctly wtf. Imma read a book yo, the last book I read for leisure was memoirs of a geisha, sheesh I am such a bad nerd example wtf.

3…2…1… saman

U know how ur profile picture on msn has this colored border which indicates whether you’re busy, available or away? I just noticed I’ve never seen mine in green!  :D

Yeap, exams are finally over, and so is my degree, at last after three long years I’ve finally finished my undergraduate course. I won’t say exactly ‘time-flies’ because come to think of it, it’s been a very long journey. How I wish I can recall perfectly how the first day of orientation was like, with all of us not knowing each other, it would be funny if we can observe how we behaved on the first few days, and compare it to now..

On the first day of orientation, as we entered the class, Suet  was sitting on the second row 2nd table from the left, she was listening to her headphones so I didn’t saw her face wtf. There was an African girl sleeping on the first row the seat furthest to the left. And Crz was sitting on the 3rd row also the furthest on the left, and then I sat next to him, behind me was Junior. And if i’m not mistaken the tall Indian girl sat at the last row wtf. When Sheryl walked in I rmb thinking to myself  “YES got pretty chicks!” wtf.

I remember on the second day of the orientation, we were supposed to wait in front of the information centre before Ms Woo took us around the college to show us where the library is at. I remember as we were waiting on the benches, Rachel was the first to talk to me and she was wearing a pink top and jeans wtf freaky i know. All of us saw the free Star newspapers and me, crz and rach went to get the newspapers at the same time after knowing its free wtf. And I also remembered how when we first wanted to get our computer lab passwords, we need to print a form with our username and password on it, there was around 4~5 of us there. And I remembered one of us had problem printing the form, and all of us stayed to help out! Can’t remember who it was exactly. And I can still recall the table we sat at the first time we went to Medan, it was a round table plus a square table. I especially liked the long breaks we took in our first classroom, because Dr Tam was so nice we used to take really long breaks :p

Ahh the life in first year, how stress-free, how innocent wtf Look at what journals have done to me wtf

So today, we went back to college to participate in a survey for final year students, and being the stingy shit that I am, I parked outside college just to save 2 bucks. And by the time I went to get my car, there’s a bloody ticket on my windshield. Well in my defence, the yellow line has faded away pretty significantly and it’s so hard to notice it especially when the sun is shining so brightly zzz. But anyway, I guess all the times I parked at the industry areas sort of covers back the 80 bucks saman, fml zzz, what a way to start my unemployed life. According to horoscope, tmr is my lucky day, so hopefully tmr at the MPSJ officec I get to bump into an incredibly hawt chick who just got her first saman like me and then when we complain to each other about how unfair life is, we will fall in love with each other and live happily ever after wtf.

And this is how our baby will look like, coz we r both angry and life is unfair wtf