Archive for September, 2009

6 more months!

It suddenly dawned on me that it’s only 6 more months until I graduate! I felt like it wasn’t long ago when I was standing on the busy streets of The Curve staring up the sky and recording the New Years fireworks and having a severe neck pain for facing upwards for too long.

As I’m currently doing my internship, I’ve started to appreciate my weekends more and more. Weekends used to be just for doing assignments most of the time, but now, not only I have to worry about my thesis; now I have to worry about getting a life!

Before internship, life mainly revolve around university events and what nots, but now I don’t go back to Uni that often anymore =\ Without the university-life in my daily routines, life became so much more dull! And lately I’ve  always been finding reasons to go out, instead of just staying at home doing my thesis. I guess what i’m trying to say here is, now not only do I have to worry about writing a good thesis write-up, I have to worry about getting a life! I can’t stand the thought of entering my early 20’s/young adulthood always busy doing assignments and missing out on life… A few years from now I’ll most probably be working a 9 hour a day job 5 days a week, and I certainly don’t want to be the kind of people who have a fixed routine in their life every single week, complain about life and how much it sucks and at the same time feel sorry for themselves.

I guess this internship is more than a course requirement for me, I’ve learnt so many things about others, myself, and what are my goals in life. I feel like I got a lot to say but I guess it’s better to save it for another entry :)

Today I went to Bukit Cahaya and tmr I’m going out again woohoo! to my dear supervisor, don’t worry I will finish what i’m supposed to finish by Thursday Y_Y

Job hazzards

Apparently my internship comes with a job hazard that I totally did not foresaw when I decided to work at where I am now.

For the past whole month I’ve been working there, there have been many clients coming in and out of the centre. And I suppose some of them brought some unwanted stuffs with them when they came out from prison, some kind of skin prob that makes ppl’s skin VERY itchy!

Now I have very bad rashes in most parts of my body and I’m using medicated soaps and talc powders to ease the itchiness X_X

So if u see me scratching myself please pardon me wtf *scratch scratch*

Discovering Portrait shots

Lately I’ve been going out on trips mostly with my psycho classmates, and being natural posers they were quite a good bunch of subjects to practice my portraits shots on :P

Photoshopped (duh) Guess whose hands r those :D

Being a person who is made out of 60% pessmism, I can actually see most of the flaws in the pics i took, I guess as long as I use this ‘negativity’ correctly, I can further improve on my techniques and improve myself :)
The words in red and the ‘flaws’ that I can pick up from my pics, feel free to comment and give constructive criticisms (Han, u know wat to do lol) :D

On top of Broga hill.

A bit of story behind the title of this entry, as most of u know I have very shaky hands, so most of the people pictures I take are pretty blur, because I was lazy to study more about light exposure and stuffs so I always blamed it on my shaky hand. And now, I’ve learned it the hard way, turns out sometimes its not my shaky hands, sometimes it’s jus not enough lighting! (well my shaky hands made it worse of course wtf). I started to notice this when taking portrait pics in bright daylight with enough lighting, none of them looked blur! Most of the times the blur pics are the ones that are dark or indoors, which have insufficient lighting huhu. Lesson well learnt :)

Amoi on Broga Hill  This pic could have been better if I manage to capture more of the leg parts now it feels like she’s an incomplete person.

Suets on Broga hill. This shot could have been better if her fingers were open instead of in a ‘karate-chop’ hand wtf

Took this picture @ Bukit Kiara. Could have been better if I went closer and shot from a lower position, can highlight the kid more.. (but then again I will risk getting a lawsuit also wtf)

Stream @ Bukit Kiara. Long kang, no comment wtf

Taken by Amoi! A dragonfly just landed on my hand for no reason =_= now come to think of it, I had butterflies landing on my head a few times. I’m no chick magnet but I’m a bug magnet wtf

This is Amoi. This pic could have been better if her hands weren’t closed haha, sign of stress and anxiety I think

This shot reminds me of life in a small town in the country side, with old lamp posts, greenery around and no skyscrapers in sight..

I really hesitated before taking this pic, not only because I didn’t get the person’s permission but its also the first time I’m taking photos likes this. After working with MalaysianCare for almost a month, I’ve met many people from such poor backgrounds and they often struggle to get a decent living, I’m not sure if this guy is a real struggling beggar/keychains seller, but still, I feel like most photography are focused on beautiful things and beautiful people, y not give something else a try… Couldn’t decide whether to make the pic black & white or not

Trishaw! Melaka’s favourite tourist transport. Felt that there is a better angle for this pic, maybe closer to the front wheels?

The first thing I noticed as I walked past this building is the barb wires that surround the building’s walls, it’s a temple, is it really necessary to fence it up like that? it’s such an eye-sore! And another reason I took this pic is because to me it some how in a metephorical sense describes Malaysia’s religious freedom and injustice. Temples are being demolished most of the time while… u know wat i mean ;) Could have been better if i got a clearer look at the temple instead of just the roof top, I tried but there’s no vantage point for that huhu

That’s about it for now, most of the pics are already on fb. At this rate I think I’m gonna need a new external hardisk soon to keep my pics X_x each trip cost around 300mb for pics lol. I would like to do a more detailed entry on trips but I keep forgetting I got assignments & thesis to do.

Till next time :)

Fail 1

In case u haven’t heard, our PM decided to spend RM1billion+/- on forming a new F1 team based on the latest 1Malaysia thingy (I used the word thingy coz i still have no idea what the whole idea is about wtf). The 1 billion cost covers things from advertising, state of the art shiznits, R&D, salaries of the staff managing the F1 team etc. Read HERE. The idea was to ‘unite’ people through sports, in this case, formula 1 racing, where the only exercise involves the driver’s hands and a bit of leg muscles wtf

On one hand u can say, maybe from all this advertising more people will know about that 1Malaysia thingy, it will make Malaysia famous!

Malays… check!

Chinese… check!

Indians… whops

BUT (dum dum dum wtf) wat if we lose. Like totally get wasted and never able to get up to the top 3 or something consistently…I’m not being pessimistic but seriously there is a probability of losing right?

And wat if it crashes…? another couple of hundred millions will be spent rebuilding the vehicle. And as we all know, the faster u go, the easier u crash.

Houston, we have a problem wtf

Seriously, can u imagine our 1Malaysia F1 crash?……….. I KNOW I CAN! HAHAHAHA

Ok let’s say the idea of exposure works very very effectively, but how many people actually watch the F1 consistently? I always saw F1 races on channels like rtm1 or rtm2 and it’s OH MY GAWD SO BORING, it’s so boring i think the commenters fell asleep sometimes coz they either sound extremely unenthusiastic or they don’t say anything at all (asleep perhaps). The sport just doesn’t appeal to that many people! I admit there will be some people who adores this sport, but I think it’s a built-in kind of preference, it’s either u like it or u don’t like it. If u compare F1 with more popular sports such as tennis and badminton, u can easily know the difference in the amount or popularity. Names like Lee Chong Wei and Nicol David are already well known by any average Malaysian. I really agree with what Terence Fernandes said, instead of spending 1 billion forming an entire F1 team from scratch, y not focus advertising the 1 Malaysia concept on the famous atheletes we already have?

With the economy still in its recovery phase, is it really necessary for us to spend so much on a car that goes around in circles?

Putrajaya – Part I

Went to Putrajaya with Han around two weeks back, strictly just for photo-taking :)
This time we were planning to take some nice night shots so we armed ourselves with our tripod and off we go!
I really like trips like this, can really take ur time and take photos till ur completely sure u got the right pics u wanted :D

A monument at the middle of Taman Putra Perdana, a nice and completely empty park =_= didn’t met anyone there only until after office hours..

Closer look at the monument

Seen from a distance after SOME photoshop

Some mosque wtf the place is very obviously photogenic, they should just put a damn huge billboard there saying PLZ TAKE PICZ HERE THANKIUZ WTF

Err… another mosque wtf

Currently I’m still extremely clumsy with a tripod =_= i was like turning here and there not sure which is for which so definitely need more practice . In case ur wondering y isn’t there a shot of the famous putrajaya bridge

NOT TAKEN BY ME. photo from HERE.

I tried to take it but I don’t know why the bridge’s light wasn’t on that night T_T, there was almost no blue-ish lights as u can see from the pic above, its jus plain old white light and it’s not even properly lighted, I couldn’t even see it from afar while i was driving towards there. None of the pics i took of the bridge was nice so I won’t bother posting them wtf.

For the next trip to putrajaya we’ll try to take the bridge photo during daytime and maybe find a nice spot to shoot sunset :)

And I noticed some of the pics I took really lack color, so most of the pics above have been photoshopped by increasing their contrast, if not the pics will look very blah and plain =_= Probably my camera setting wrong or just my camera not canggih enuff huhuhu

Hope I have better luck next time :O

A quote from ‘nothing but the truth’

“A man can spend all his life donating his money to charity, but who attends his funeral depends on the weather” – Alan Burnside from Nothing but the truth.

Saw this quote from a movie, kind of true to a certain extent, how grateful are we human beings towards those who helped us in the past? Think carefully :)