Archive for May, 2010


Forgot I got some left over pics from Melaka around 2 months ago…


Surprisingly clean river of Melaka


One of the houses in Mini Malaysia


How come mini Malaysia doesn’t have any houses of other races? Or are they all the same… random thought wtf


The dude from China, sorry, not a big fan of Malaysian history wtf

Random note, saving money is hard work >_>

Masculinity Fail

I think today, while I was working, 2 gay dudes invited me for a threesome………………………………fml.

As usual I was wearing my train conductor uniform, and then they asked me something about trains…. Then something about riding the trains with them… whether I like trains…. And how riding the train with them could be fun………

I know I’m perverted but this time I’m quite sure when they say train, they mean something else…. Yeah… fml


Talking about weather

When people know I’m from Malaysia, they usually first ask, ‘how do you like it here in America?’

And I would usually answer, I hate the weather wtf.

The weather can be rather unpredictable at times, it can be raining and be very cold in the morning, at in the afternoon it will be scorching hot and the sun would be almost blinding, then I have to squint my already small Chinese eyes even smaller to make the oriental stereotype even more obvious wtf.



They’re not taken on the same day, I just like the contrasting weather between them =_=

The roller coaster inside the picture is called Millennium Force, and I swore to myself I would go for it at least once before I leave! Since nobody wants to accompany me to ride it, I guess I will have the advantage of being able to scream like a little girl without anyone I know knowing about it wtf. There’s another even scarier ride called Top Thrill Dragster which I THINK I will try to ride it, it’s that scary >_>

420 Ft tall, the whole thing last for only 17 seconds, basically just go up and come down

View from the top

This is gonna be part of the rites of passage into manhood wtf



When fish meets bird

Don’t be fooled by their small appearance, they shit a lot wtf.

Photo Hunting 2.0

During the first week we had some spare time during the afternoon, since I had nothing productive to do, so I decided to take as much pics as possible of Cedar Point before things got busy.

The lighting during sunset is very nice, as usual, it makes every looks nice :D

The following pics were taken a day after the hailstorm, not sure if the weather was related to the hailstorm, but it looked pretty awesome.

At Cedar Point they have a harbor for people who own boats to park their boats at the harbor and go to the theme park…. I hate rich ppl wtf

Love the clouds here


Good thing they turned on the lights :)

There’s a McD within walking distance to our dorms and the view is quite special for a fast food restaurant >_>




I find going photo hunting in super bad weather extremely exciting for some reason, like the first few pictures I actually took them while it was drizzling and the wind was blowing so strong that I had to lean against the wind to balance myself, and the second batches of pictures I took it in very cold weather as well. I like doing things that no one else have done before. It felt really liberating to be able to do what I want and no one is there to judge me for being weird and stuff, and  if I could make a living out of taking photos I think I probably would..

Sometimes it is through these moments when I took some nice pictures that I feel a great sense of happiness and pride that I hardly feel in normal every day life. We don’t get immediate rewards in life  for the things that we do, we go to work every day and sometimes we come home feeling unproductive and unrewarded, even though these rewards can come as long-term rewards (eg: promotion after working for several years etc). But when I’m taking pics, these rewards can be instant and I guess this is what makes it so addictive :)

I feel like I’m finally ready to start doing research for a new camera now :D


Enjoying every moment of living independently :))

Picture taken at Cedar Point, in front of the male dorm called Cedar Dorm. It’s right beside the lake and harbor and its almost always windy :) Sometimes it can get very, very cold out here.

Eggroll the Train Conductor

It’s 8:09am now and I’m preparing for work. Over the weekends the park reopened and things got pretty busy. Within this week itself I have four ‘O-C’ days meaning I’ll work when the park opens until the park closes, which is approximately from 9am to 8pm, sometimes 10pm. And the uniform I have to wear……………. Let’s just say after wearing that and walking around park in front of thousands of guests, I feel less and less self-conscious about my appearance wtf. I’m a train conductor so I have to wear those overall uniform that looks like an old fashioned train conductor with suspenders and shit wtf. I’ve gotten quite comfortable with it surprisingly wtf. Will post pics soon wtf.

Some people here like to call me eggroll for some reason wtf, some call me ladiesman, some call me Dave, some call me Mike, and some call me Yao Meng wtf. Is Yong Long really that hard to remember wtf.

How does this look like me wtf looks delicious? wtf

Gtg to work!

Hailstorm! :D

Had my first hailstorm experience ever! :D

We just finished our dinner and was just sitting there doing nothing, then I started to hear rain. But not long after that, I started hearing people yelling outside and can actually hear the sound of the winding blowing rather loudly. Then that’s when our housemate Zac told us its a hailstorm! And because our apartment’s hallway is open ended on both sides, I think the wind that was blowing through sort of ‘funneled’ and became even stronger, I could have been blown away by the wind if Zac didn’t told me how dangerous it actually is.  So here’s a video of how it was like during the hailstorm.

White stuffs = Ice

Marble shaped =)

My pretty hand

After the hailstorm, we can still hear tornado sirens coming from outside the dorms, this is like my first natural disaster so I was a bit excited and sort of ignored my safety a bit. After things calmed down a bit I went outside to take some photos, they’re all on fb. The locals mentioned that its actually quite rare to have hailstorm in this state, I’m so glad we’re lucky enough to get to see it =) According to forecase, the weather for the next few days will be even colder thanks to the hailstorm wtf.

Can the next natural disaster here be a volcano or something hot, its just so damn cold around here >_>

Where to begin?

Greetings from Sandusky, Ohio! Pictured is one of the biggest rides in Cedar Point called Millennium Force

6/5 –

The internet connection is killing meeeeeeeeeeee. As unbelievable as it might sound, the internet here actually isn’t all that brilliant. Perhaps because the server I’m using is a very public, very poorly maintained server. Loading hotmail is a pain, let alone upload pictures, but we’re hoping to move to another dorm within this month so hopefully they have better connection there, but one thing for sure, I got a lot pictures I want to take!! It’s our third day here and yet I have no idea where to start talking …

8/5 –

I’m writing this offline, cause the internet is STILL not working, I’m having my day off today and it’s the best time to online now! (9:06am) which mean it will be 9:06pm back in Malaysia =(((

I might be able to get a better reception outdoors but the temperature is so cold out there I’m worried about my laptop, the wind is blowing so strongly its ridiculous! And if you’ve been missing me too much and checking every news about Ohio, you would know that we had a hailstorm yesterday!! It was so freaking cool! When people are putting on tornado sirens and hiding in their rooms I’m like grabbing my camera and running around trying to take pics wtf.


Finally onlineeeee, having my day off today, internet behaving surprisingly well perhaps due to everyone busy at work woohoo. Should start blogging properly soon tho, just a brief update, all of us reached here without much problems, we’re living comfortably at the employee dorms and I’m sure all of us agree that we miss Malaysian food wtf.  The weather here is really really cold, now I’m not sure whether I’m having sun burn or dry skin wtf. Been trying to learn more about American culture and so far I think we got a few surprises from what we learned :D

Took some nice pics, might take a while to filter and upload them :)))

One thing that I’m very happy about right now is I feel like I’m putting every minute of every day here to good use, I ain’t going back with any regrets!


Gahhhh I’m at my friend’s place using their internet, THIS is how the real US internet is suppose to be like, gtg bye wtf