Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Once again this morning as I read through The Star newspaper, there are article after article are about how the rally was a ‘failure’ and the prime minister seem to be patting himself in the back for what his minions have done at the heart of KL yesterday. I can tell the mainstream media is trying to down-play the scale of the rally yesterday, they only shown pictures of unruly protesters, not the calm and peaceful Malaysians that come from all walks of life regardless of race or social status. They dare not show scenes of streets filled by protesters marching hand-in-hand, only carrying cameras, water bottles and towels in case they get tear gas thrown at them. There has been no reports of violent reactions from the protesters, not even looting or anything like that as I’m sure if there was any, it will be closely highlighted by the mainstream media. There was even a report of several protesters trying to burn the Patriot t-shirt, but you know what? Other bystanders actually stopped them from doing that, and nothing like that ever happened! And ironically the only violence that was shown was from the police themselves (see video below)

There are also columnist who write bitter articles about how the opposition have used this is a platform to serve their cause, seriously I wonder how much these people are getting paid to sell their souls like this. Do they not care that their children will continue to serve in a country that does not serve them to the best of its abilities? Do they not care that their children will be treated like second class citizens? Of course the opposition are the ones supporting the electoral reforms, because they have been the victims of unfair election practices in the first place! You don’t see any people from the ruling government protesting because they’ve been benefiting off the unfair practices that keeps them in power for all this while! And they like to argue (oh-so-pathetically) that the opposition wouldn’t have won so many states if the elections weren’t fair, well breaking news for these dumbasses, the opposition won it fair and square AND with handicap that you implemented, that just goes to show how much you really suck. These are fundamental human rights but yet after 50 years of independence, 50 years of racial-harmony bullshit rhetoric, 50 years of democracy, we are not that far ahead as we think we are.

Critics like to say that we are ‘much better off’ than some countries’, they always like to bring up countries like Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia etc. But seriously, are we still at that stage that we need to compare to such other nations as a benchmarks? Can’t we compare ourselves to nations like Singapore? like Australia? like the UK? like the US? Do they not dare to do such a comparison? It’s almost as if these Malaysians have grown complacent to the low standards of democracy that exist here in Malaysia, they are used to being brought up by this half-cooked democracy. As much as I appreciate their views of ‘seeing the glass half-full’ kind of optimism, when it comes to democracy and good governance, I want my glass to be completely full thank you very much. I don’t want my children to grow up in a country where the government does not do its best to serve the people, what for do we pay taxes if half the taxes does not serve its purpose?

And Najib has been side-stepping the issue for all this while, what is he going to do about the 8 demands from Bersih? Is using in-edible ink so fucking hard? Can he at least make an effort to address this? NO! apparently handing out prizes yesterday was more important that addressing any of the 8 demands, I mean come’on man these people need their fucking prizes soooooo fucking bad, their self-esteem would be so fucking hurt if the prime minister doesn’t hand them their prizes himself. All he is busy doing is portraying Bersih as an illegal rally. yet he does nothing to improve the issue. If he could have addressed this issue before the rally, I’m sure there probably won’t be a good turn out yesterday anyways, but well you know can’t blame him, prize giving comes first yo motherfuckers

I hope yesterday’s rally brings some of us up to speed about the current political scene in Malaysia, we are fighting against a government that has been in power for way to long and has grown over-confident in their ability to stay in power. This is not about race anymore as yesterday you can clearly see there are a good mixture of all races participating in the rally. This is about the fight for a cleaner government, a government that serve its people’s needs, not their own. A government that does not need a high-budget campaign to remind people to stay united, we are united, just not the way the government want us to.

I would like to re-quote Eugene Ionesco here as it seems appropriate,

“Ideologies separate us. Dream and anguish brings us together”

-Eugene Ionesco, Absurdist dramatist (1909- 1994)



Just finished watching the local news on TV, and I am utterly appalled by their ability to deliver completely one-sided news! All they keep showing is the so called ‘damage’ done because of the rally, interviewing small time business owners about how they didn’t sell enough keropok or some shit and making it sound like its the end of the fucking world because your keropok is gonna be fucking lonely because nobody wants them. I guess its ok for some demographics of the society to not care about what happens to their future because they are only capable of seeing the future in short-term basis, they live their lives day by day and never have to worry about what happens further down the road.

The local news FAILED to highlight the more important things, the fact that thousands of Malaysians around the world gathered too and demonstrated peacefully without having tear gas thrown at their faces. They FAILED to highlight that protestors were treated like animals abused by the police, they didn’t bother to show the video of a poor guy getting surrounded and kicked by policemen, they didn’t bothered to show how policemen surrounded pedestrians to interrogate them. They FAILED to show the sight of Malaysians from all walks of life walking side by side in an attempt to protect democracy. They FAILED to show how opposition leaders are injured in the chaos that was initiated by the police themselves.

All widely accessible local media channels are owned by stakeholders from the government, they are all biased, so please be smart when you read or watch anything that comes from them. If you want to know the truth, online sources are much more accurate.

We need to reach an understanding that the government is actually not ‘stupid’ like what most people would think they are. They are actually pretty smart people, smart enough to manipulate the media into portraying themselves as innocent and demonizing whoever that stands up against them. We need to understand that whatever idiotic thing they say or do, some misinformed Malaysian somewhere is going to buy into their lies and continue to support them. Never underestimate the evil that we are facing, for they have been in power for long enough to understand how to manipulate to win, but fortunately their reign is slowly crumbling as they can no longer manipulate the younger generation, thanks to the internet and also Mark Zuckerberg. Information is the weapon here, not tear gas or water canons, once we have the right information, even giants will fall

If you’re 21…

and you haven’t registered as a voter, please don’t whine about the jam. Because u have no right to do so.

Fb now is full of ppl complaining about the jam, but how many of us really know what the objectives of Bersih is about? Are the police really the ones to blame? It is not the policemen that are standing at the roadblocks tomorrow that deserve our hatred, it is the puppeteers that control the them that should deserve our hatred. Besides putting our fb pics with something yellow (like yours truly), please spare a moment and think about what these people with Bersih are sacrificing for our future. They basically signed on to a burden that they have to bear for almost the rest of their lives. The BN govt will forever keep track of these ppl who dared to stand up against them and will probably give them hell for what they are about to do.

These people are sacrificing themselves for our future, they want a clean and fair election, a one that gives every average Malaysian a say in general elections, a say to a cleaner government that doesn’t reward cronies and take advantage of the less fortunate. They are sacrificing for our future, our children’s future and our grand children’s future. If Malaysia is to one day be left behind by the world, it is OUR children who will have to pay the price, we will be regarded as a backwards country and be treated like how we now treat the less fortunate countries (just look at our neighbors). If we fail to fight for our future, It will be our children who will bear the consequences of our actions one day


Epic reaction fail

There was this case where a 10 year old girl was abducted from the school compound and molested by a a guy in his 20’s. Apparently, I quote from the Star:

“… the teachers at the school noticed the girl was missing at about 9am and asked the school’s ustaz (religious teacher) “whether the girl had been taken away by spirits”.

“When the ustaz told them no, only then did they try to search for her outside of the school.”

I know its wrong but I almost burst out laughing when I saw this line wtf. Apparently spirits are usually the first culprit when somebody goes missing wtf. But seriously damn fail lah what the heck is this man. What if the ustaz say she is abducted by spirits? Then they won’t bother to search at all is it and just sit around and pray until she comes home?

Osama is dead!

Do we get another day of holiday? :D

Here’s a very old video I think when the Bush administration just started the war on terror, suits the occasion :)

“Najib asks PAS to leave opposition pact”

KUALA TERENGGANU: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak asked PAS to leave the opposition pact as the coalition had clearly not championed the cause of Islam.

He said the time had come for PAS to leave the pact, particularly the DAP, which had clearly not fought for the cause of Islam.

“Hadi (PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang), enough of the DAP, leave the DAP (opposition pact),” he said in his speech before an audience of about 15,000 at a gathering with the people in the Manir state constituency, at Kg Pulau Bahagia, near here.

Also present were Terengganu Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Said, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, Rural and Regional Development Minister Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek.

The Prime Minister said the future of Malaysia was actually more secure under the leadership of the Barisan government and Umno.

“Umno was born in a palace and not on the street like Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR),” he said.

Najib said the people were now smart in evaluating the leadership that could actually champion the cause of the race, religion and country.

He also commented on the crisis currently faced by the PKR party leadership.

“During the Sarawak (state election) recently, even the occupants of the longhouse had asked about an Omega watch (belonging to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim).

More in Sunday Star

Article taken from The Star

I think the most epic quote here by Najib is actually :

“Umno was born in a palace and not on the street like Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)”

So what if we were born on the street? I bet 99% of us are ‘born on the streets’ and not have a silver spoon stuck up our rectum like some people. Seriously this is just so ridiculous hearing it from a supposed leader who is promoting diversity in a country.

Malaysia’s politics is actually very immature, parties are still resorting to gutter politics like sleazy sex tapes and egoistic name-calling like the above. Since Dr M’s era the country’s fate seems to be determined by Anwar’s penis and what he does with it, whether it was inserted into a butt or into a foreign prostitute, I mean come on lah seriously try something new can or not? Can they be less fixated on the man’s penis or not weh do they secretly have a man-crush on him and this is their way of releasing your pent-up sexual frustration?

Because Singapore is having their election now (or already had not sure, too focused on wedding dresses these few days), there was an article on how Singapore is not ready for a two-party political system mentioned by either Lee Kuan Yew or the prime minister can’t remember; I find the way they explain things so impressive, its smart, its mature, its reasonable, and it would have easily won my vote if I was a Singaporean. Why can’t we get politicians like this in Malaysia, doesn’t matter ruling or opposition party, I want to hear something smart for a change. No name-calling, no highlighting what others have done wrong, just plain and simple reasoning on why voters should vote for a certain party. I feel like I’ve never heard any of that from our local political scene, maybe I’m not reading enough I don’t know sigh

There’s a lot of talks about the Chinese population of Malaysia not supporting BN and MCA now, and I’m guessing until they somehow try to win back the Chinese’s support (eg: kissing the feet of Mr Wen a few days back), I don’t think they are going to have the general elections soon. I really hope the people won’t forget what injustice the BN government has done and not give in to BN’s extremely routine gift-giving during campaign seasons. Until then we just need to stand firm, get those unregistered voters registered, keep the momentum up until they are forced to have the general election. And hopefully we can really bring change to this deteriorating country soon.

“A Blog Activist’s Tale with Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK)”

“DPM brushes aside former US envoy’s views”

Start  by reading THIS  article written by an ex-US ambassador Mr John Malott,  its regarding “The Price of Malaysia’s Racism”.

Today THIS  news came out about how our DPM dismissed what Mr Malott has said. Why?  quote:

“His comments don’t carry any weight because he holds no position now” – Deputy Prime Minster Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Just because somebody isn’t in any fancy ass position doesn’t make them any less credible. People come all the way from a developed nation like US and lived here for several years, made an observation and took the effort to write an article and yet our DPM just brushes aside criticisms.  To a foreigner who read this news, he/she would probably think Malaysia is some back-water country that still has that third-world mentality like a bunch of tribesmen throwing stick and stones at the sight of foreigners.

Even though I’m not entirely surprised by their response but still it’s so frustrating how sometimes the whole institution that manages your country is just so hypocritical, preaching about unity and taking such efforts to surpress anything that goes against that artificial unity.

So what about us normal Malaysians? Technically we don’t have any fancy positions either, I guess our opinions don’t matter also. Well actually that’s already the case isn’t it ?

Someday, I hope I’m going to be one of the 500,000 Malaysians that leave Malaysia for good, why stay at a country when you’re treated like a second class citizen when we deserve better than that?

Hopping on the bandwagon

Ever since the video of the guy torturing the poodle came out, there has been this 5-minute vigilante thing going on.  Personally I think these people are very naive, do they actually think this is just an isolated case of animal abuse? Do they not watch Animal planet or something wtf, there’s a show that focuses solely on animal abuse cases. I mean, hello are they so gung-ho all of a sudden because its a toy poodle being tortured and not a pariah dog? Shit like this happen all the time and now they want to be all ‘Oh-hang-the-bastard-that-did-this” hooo-hah, I think it borders on being hypocritical.

Why hypoctical? Well if they are soooo against animal cruelty in the first place, have they ever had shark-fin soup? Had they ever bought fancy bags and shoes made of animal leather?  Have they seen the videos of how people put a cat in a cage, pour petrol over it and lit it on fire while the cat was alive? How about the chicken you had last night? Do they think the chicken injected itself with painkillers and slit its own throat and cooked itself into that nice juicy BBQ chicken? Or is it just because toy poodles have higher value above all other animal species that’s why it gets so much attention?

Animals died for mankind in so many horrific ways I think most people are oblivious to it. Our livestock live in deploring conditions, we inject them with growth hormones so they fatten up faster, we literally skin animals alive just to make ourselves look better (at least that’s what they think), we run test on animals to develop drugs and medicines so that we can use it, and don’t even get started on how we get veal. Now one guy tortures a fucking poodle they want to be all heroic and shit and once again, start pointing fingers zzzz.

I know how our food is prepared, but yet I’m not a vegatarian because i know this is the nature of things, this is the natural selection at work. I try not to drink shark fin soup and with my superior fashion sense, i usually don’t wear clothing made from animal skin. And I am not that hardcore to ban myself from using any animal related products as it does not always work. But i just hate the sudden spike in outrage over something as trivial as a guy abusing a poodle when there are so much things these so called animal lovers ought to do if they really want to be acting so heroic and shit.

Rubber balls

Geee the only thing we’re remotely good at is kicking a rubber ball around a field, damn I feel so fucking proud right now I have tears in my eyes. But I do hope they continue to win though maybe can have more public holidays wtf. I wouldn’t mind seeing angry football fans throwing a riot  and thrashing the national stadium or something too, spice up the news a bit wtf. Actually its quite funny how we only feel a drop of patriotism when our football team wins and we don’t feel patriotic at all on any other occasions wtf. ahhh Malaysia home sweet home