Archive for December, 2008

Journals? what journals?

Nothing like a good week of holiday to ‘detox’ ur system of psy journals x) even though now i can still sort of recall author names and what their journals talk about =_= would probably need 1 more week to forget them wtf.

So far holiday has been filled with series and good ol’ dota. As much as most people hate to admit  it, dota brings people together. You see, social outcasts and nerds like me either go to CC to play dota with people or play it online, even though the whole aim is to kill one another, there is still some degree of human contact involved, which makes it even more beautiful *sniff* ok i need to go out more.

Currently i’m watching Gossip Girl, even though the plot ain’t that special compared to other series, it’s good to take a break from saving the cheerleader/world  stories and all the hospital drama and watch a bit of stories ab0ut rich little brats having screwed up lives! which is sort of my secret hobby ;D if ur stinking rich, remember i’m always watching and waiting for u to fall and step all over ur rich little bratty ass =D I only hate rich people with a holier-than-thou perception of the world or love to declare to the world about their everyday adventures as a rich s.o.b by changing their fb status almost every day, did i say too much wtf. ok i need to get out more

Blake Lively aka Serena Van Der Woodsen from Gossip Girl. mmmmmm so hotttttt. Btw she is dating the actor Dan Humphrey! no wonder they have such good chemistry <3 wtf

Because i have no life, i took some photos of some ads for BRAIN POWER BOOSTING workshop for kids. Of course I didn’t take pic of them because I really have ntg to do wtf, do pay attention to the england of their words.

experience and caring stimulator wtf wonder how they stimulate, there’s grammar mistakes oso ok plz wtf

Learn trough fun wtf.

THIS IS A TROUGH wtf.  A half-log vessel to put water/food for ur livestocks wtf. Oh joy I can see how fun it is already.


I’m not thrashing people with bad english lo but seriously if they wanna run a workshop for educational purposes at least get their spelling right la. It’s like they’re so desperately trying to cheat parents into sending their kids to their centre they’re not even paying attention to what they’re doing =_= And i looked through all their ads they didn’t mention how they’re going to conduct all those ‘increase focusing ability’  or ‘increase memory’ courses, so as a fellow psychology student, i have to say, I are not impressed wtf. ok i need to get out more.

Wah really random, happy holidays!

Tagged by Crystal

Even though this personality test is totally against what i learned in class T_T but this is just for fun so what the heck wtf

Your view on yourself:

You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don’t like conflict. Because you’re so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don’t judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren’t necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people’s eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.

The right job for you:

You’re a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you’ll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don’t succeed. Don’t give up when you haven’t yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don’t ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:

You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

I tag…………. Tag urself wtf
p/s: comments disabled to avoid getting thrased wtf

Plans for the holiday

Exam ends in around 2 days woo hoo~! not sure what to do first right after that…

  • Dota till i drop? tempting…
  • Work part time again? need muney for prom T_T no idea where to start finding..
  • Research for thesis topic? got to start some day rite?
  • Catch up on some series x)
  • Visit friends! i r sucky fren i nv keep in touch =(
  • PLAY DIABLO 3 OMG I JUST REMEMBERED!! should i should i should i it will probably be even more addicting than dota omggggg 3rd year coming dei cannot play so much… i just realized nobody i know plays diablo =__= oh what the heck

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhmmmmmmmmmm, ok i sound creepy right now, can anybody understand my pain wuhuhuhu

Wonder what songs to sing for karaoke on tuesday kekeke, bring ur umbrellas if u wanna go out on tuesday i ain’t gonna be responsible for u getting wet wtf.

Cross cultural psychology is so boring my attention is like a monkey on ecstasy can’t even pay attention for 5 seconds even a boring study table i find it interesting T__T ok gtg bai. oh what an interesting looking study table, omg is that a crack on the table?????????????? WHAT A DISCOVERY WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

get wat i mean? wtf